Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Act 2

I. Literary terms
a) Imagery: The author uses words or phrase to create a mental image in readers mind.
Ex: " I will fall like an ocean on that court, fear nothing Elizabeth" (Miller 1285)
b) This examples show the strong feeling of Proctor when his wife Elizabeth was accused of witchcraft. She was being taken to the court with other women accused with witchcraft. Proctor was very angry and this is when Proctor says that he will get Elizabeth out of the court no matter what. He will fall like an ocean on the court if he has to.

II. Quotation Elation
a) "It is a providence and no great change; we are only what we always were, but naked now. Aye, Naked! and the wind, Gods's icy wind will blow!" (Miller 1287) The effect of this quote would be Proctor will commit his crime of adultery and convince Abigail to take the accusation back.
b) I think Abigail accused Elizabeth because she is jealous of her. Abigail Loves John Proctor but Proctor doesn't love him anymore and he is happy with his wife Elizabeth. Abigail still wants Proctor to be the lover of her life and wants to remove Elizabeth from John's life. Therefore she accused Elizabeth. John Proctor knows why Abigail is accusing his wife and he feels very guilty that Elizabeth is accused because of him. This is why he will admit his crime in front of court to save Elizabeth who is innocent.

III. Characters
Proctor: Guilty of crime, Hero, confused
Purpose: He is the main character in the play who is stuck in the mess of witchcraft. He didn't believe there were witches and he was the only one who knew what is "really" happening in Salem.
Outcome: He is charged with adultery and hanged but never goes back to Abigail.

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