1. My rough time was when I had to move from India to United States. There was no specific cause for this rough time. My uncle was a US citizen and he had invited my parents and me to permanently move to US. Immigration to US was suppose to be a good thing but it was definitely a rough time for me.
2. I lost my homeland and my family in India. I also lost/ abandoned my childhood memories. Most of my family lives in India and now I can't stay in touch with them as often as I use to when I lived in India. I visit them once every two years but I feel like I lost that close connection with them.
3. I was a twelve years old when I moved, so I was confused, shocked, happy and sad at the same time. I didn't know what was right and wrong for me. One day I would be happy that hurrah I am moving to a new country but than sad the other day that I have to leave my family and friends behind. I was also confused because I didn't know what the new country, people and culture was like. I was scared of the fact that I am going to be a stranger in a strange land.
4. Now that I look back at those days I definitely feel like my parents made the right decision by moving here. I am so glad that I moved here. I got use to American culture, it did take me while to adjust but now I got assimilated into the new country.
5. I gained many opportunities to prove myself in this society. I found better education, better living and better life. I also leaned many different things from a totally different culture. Most importantly I met new people made new friends and I got to experience two different countries. I also learned a lesson of life which is to gain something you have to lose something first.
Hi ami. Moving from anywhere to some place new can be rough. Moving to a different country sound especially rough. That is good that you gained something positive from moving here to the United States though.